Book Blogger New Year’s Challenge - Day 11: TBR shelf: How many?

Hosted by Rachel @ParaJunkee

Day 11: TBR shelf: How many?

On GR it's says 989 on my TBR shelf, but um don't think we should go with that since there's pretty much new ones added every single day. So let's go with the ones I actually own, I have an entire shelf that's reserved for the books I still haven't read yet and on that shelf there's: 23. And then there's one soon two more books on the way. 
I also have about 8+ ebooks to read and review. 


  1. I much prefered the 989 books! Lol. I mark a lot of books on Goodreads to-read if they look pretty. I have separate shelves like TBR-own that I went by on my count.

    My TBR Shelf

  2. 23 books is totally do-able. 989...well, only if you don't sleep, eat, or leave your bedroom for any reason.

  3. Hey 23 books! That's great! You'll manage to read them all this year, and definitely some more of your huuge goodreads list! So good luck!

  4. 23 sounds much better than 989!! Good luck! Thanks for visiting.

  5. Not bad! Twenty-three books is totally do-able and not as scary as some of the other posts I've seen! But 989....well, that's a little scary! *L*

  6. I've deleted all the books marked as TBR on goodreads (and Librarything etc). I was spending so much energy trying to make sure it was correct and it was getting me down.

    Meanwhile this is what it looks like:


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