Woods Wednesday #29
Woods wednesday is in dedication to a story me and Stephanie from Bookfever have going on Goodreads. I am currently editing the story and to make that move faster I have decided to start Woods wednesday. It will mean that every wednesday I will share a picture, collage, maybe even a little teaser from some of the previous added chapters or maybe even some from the part that we are currently working on. It could also be a characters bio, an interview with one or one of the many facts about Geoff Woods.And of course also add a new chapter (hence making it move faster) to Goodreads every wednesday.
First of all, #29 on the 29th- creeptacualar!
Tweet from the Woods house:
@GeoffLostInTheWoods Nap time is cuddle time. Aedan and pup catching up on some zzz's.
And also a collage made by Stephanie @ Bookfever:
You can check out the story on Goodreads here
(New chapter every wednesday)
Or go to our page on Facebook here
Awww! I didn't realize you used my collage. :D Aedan picture is so cute!