Woods Wednesday #4

Woods wednesday is in dedication to a story me and Stephanie from Bookfever have going on Goodreads. I am currently editing the story and to make that move faster I have decided to start Woods wednesday. It will mean that every wednesday I will share a picture, collage, maybe even a little teaser from some of the previous added chapters or maybe even some from the part that we are currently working on. It could also be a characters bio, an interview with one or one of the many facts about Geoff Woods.And of course also add a new chapter (hence making it move faster) to Goodreads every wednesday.

 So, for this Woods Wednesday Stephanie provided me with a cute little Into the Woods mash that would be fun to put up and see what you guys got ^^ 

Here it is: 

Into The Woods Mash:

Pick a number between 1 & 4 and see what you get:

--- no peeking ;) 

Your Future husband:

1: Geoff

2: Criss

3: Micah

4: Markus

Where you will reside:
1: Thé house
2: The cute house in england
3: Cottage
4: Into the wood (he he)

Kind of creature:

1: Wolf

2: Vampire

3: Faerie

4: Angel

How many kids you will have:

1: 1.

2: 10.

3: 7.

4: 3.

Future pet:

1: Husky

2: Cat

3: Bunny

4: Turtle

What did you get?? Let me know in the comments! :D 

And also a little collage featuring Geoff & Krysta ^^ 

You can check out the story on Goodreads here
(New chapter every wednesday)
Or go to our page on Facebook here


  1. Even though I made this game I didn't peek!

    Into the wood
    3 kids

    Too bad I didn't get Geoff but Micah is good, too! :D

  2. I love the collages! So inventive. I chose 2 which means 10 kids. Boo!

    1. Yeah, that's a lot! But you also get Criss and he's more than happy to take care of the kids. Soon I'll post more about him. He's our favorite character after ofc Krysta and Geoff.

  3. I got Criss, house in England, Vampire, 10 kids and cat. lol, Thanks!

  4. I got Micah, Cottage, Wolf, 3 kids, and Husky. Not bad <3

  5. I got Micah, the house, angel, 7 kids, and a cat, lol. MASH never grows old :)

  6. I got Criss in the cottage, angel, 1 kid (thank god!) and the bunny. Sounds delightful!


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